Mittwoch, 8. November 2006

the 1st present...

for x-mas is on my needles: a seaman scarf for my dad.
this will be also the first knitting i´m doing for him and then my whole family got handknitted gifts this year: birthday-socks for my mom, a birthday-hat for my sister and now a christmas-scarf for my dad. he has had two bad accidents this year and fractured a small part of his cervical spine - a scarf will be perfect for his injured neck.
i chose soffice from lana grossa for it in a lovely green - its a smooth yarn with some cashmere in it and i think one of the best yarns lana grossa offers this autumn.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ja, du hast Recht, ich bin auch ganz begeistert von der Wolle. Fühlt sich schön flauschig weichwarm und fluffig an. Und vor allem - es gibt sie auch in lila. :)

    LG Astrid

  2. und jetzt kommts noch fluffiger: den schönen kikiblog erreicht ihr jetzt auch über

  3. Very smart of you to spread your knitting through the year. The Seaman scarf might be good for a scarf I'm knitting for charity. I wanted to knit a man's scarf and the bulky yarn will make it a quicker knit.


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