Dienstag, 22. August 2006

the day of pals and swaps

isn´t it wonderful, fabulous, incredible?! this is the lauries knit sock kit for me with so lovely things like goat milk soap (!), circulars and also a stretchy circular for knitting socks with only o n e needle with a correspondending pattern, kool-aid and wool for my selfdyed sockyarn and wonderful knitting magazines and notecards. the sockyarn in the front is named "beach day" - perfect for my holidays in france! everything is so inspiring & i can hardly decide what to try first...
thank you so much laurie - you did a great job and gave me a lot possibilities for new knitted sock experiences!

this afternoon there was also an envelope in my postbox: mother of purl was my mark those stitches pal and sent me four stitchmarkers: three with funny ladybirds and one with a fairy. i´m sorry that the picture is so blurred - it was impossible to take a better one ( i don´t know why...) - thank you so much for this cute stitchmarkers!

now i can start my next socks perfectly equipped! and i´m looking forward to show you the outcomes after my summerholidays.

don´t wonder - my next ten days will be charged with travelling, sunbathing, swimming, knitting, reading, sleeping, cooking and sightseeing. i would be pleased if you will come by again at the beginning of september! have a great time!

2 Kommentare:

  1. hi kiki, ich habe meine stichmarkers auch heute auch schon bekommen :-)
    ich wünsche dir einen tollen urlaub, schöne stunden auf der hochzeitsfeier deiner freunde und komm gesund wieder zurück.
    *drückdich* claudia.

  2. Liebe Kiki,

    ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Urlaub und grüße mir Südfrankreich!



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