Sonntag, 15. Juli 2007

while watching le tour...

...the third clue was quickly finished. i love this sunday-knitting.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schön. Jetzt muss ich auch meine dritte Clue anfangen.....

  2. That is beautiful!!!! I just finished Clue 1 last night!!!! On to #2.

  3. It looks great! One day I have to make it myself too!!

  4. Knitting and watching telly? That is really impressive I am knitting and watching the chart very carefully!

  5. oh - i just need some entertainment while knitting (music, tv) and "le tour" is perfect because you don´t have to look all the time what they are doing there.

  6. The shawl is lovely. I can't wait to see the finished product.


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