Montag, 2. Juli 2007

mystery - clue #1

last friday and also the weekend have been dedicated to the 1st clue of the mystery stole.
because i was off the whole friday afternoon, evening and half the night i started saturday in the afternoon.
i was a little bit excited about it: technics, pattern, how to decrease and so on. but everything worked well and i finished the 100th row (ws) yesterday about 8:30 pm. the picture shows you just a detail with some of the pearls slightly glowing (i think everybody knows yet how the 1st clue is looking like. also my knitted uru-wool doesn´t look like really lace before blocking. so it was just a little bit stretched for taking the picture).
a big thank you for your great compliments about the ogee lace skirt. i love to wear it and your comments make the feeling while wearing it more perfect.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Absolut klasse Bild! Sieht irgendwie total anders aus als die Bilder, die ich bisher von Clue1 gesehen habe. LG Arlene

  2. Schööön... Und ich bin immer noch zum Warten verurteilt, weil meine Wolle noch nicht da ist... Und dabei bin ich doch so gespannt!

    Viele, viele Grüße von Maria

  3. Your knitting is really lovely. I especially like your mystery lace stole. Very pretty!
    "SummerLion" from Swap-Bot


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