Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008

more bells, more whistles

it was high time again for a fo here because a lot of new yarns and patterns are already waiting.
this pair of socks was knitted during the emma read-and knitalong and
is also a birthday present and so it will leave the house next week.
about 78g regia silk was used up for the bells & whistles from mona schmidt (iwk holiday knits 2006). the yarn is so soft and also fluffier than normal sockyarn and i like the way the pattern turned out.

now i have time to swatch a little for the 1st spring project. i´m totally eager to start something new while nursing my cold.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Tolle Socken - die sehen wirklich richtig edel aus!

    Viele Grüße von Heike

  2. Dann war das nicht nur ein read along, sondern auch gleichzeitig ein geheimer knitalong. Ich freu mich, dass dir die Kombination von Wolle und Muster gefällt! Ein wunderschönes Wochenende wünscht dir deine Maria


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