Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2007

anais 02

just a quick update after my first weekend without any wisdom-teeth - you see i´m fine and happy =)
i´m still and slowly knitting on anais. this evening while knitting (stockinette *yawn*) and shaping the armholes and thinking about where to start the neckline i decided to knit the spider-web which will be inserted into the front. and here it is: funny knitting, dropping stitches and a shape which magically appears after casting off. again on the sofa still knitting.....

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hope you'll be chewing whole foods soon. Happy recovery and happy knitting!

  2. ... da hast mal ein richtig langwieriges Projektchen...
    Übrigens: Ich bin schon beim dritten Uptown-Sarf! (ok, der Vergleich hinkt ein wenig;) )


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