Sonntag, 20. Mai 2007

quidditch round 02

1. Who is the Fat Lady's friend?
- Violet

2. When the Fat Lady was attacked by Sirius Black and fled her portrait, who took over for her as guard of Gryffindor Tower?
- Sir Cadogan

3. Usually when Harry is in Dumbledore's office, what are the portraits of previous headmasters doing?
- Snoozing

4. Which one of the Triwizard champions did not go to the World Cup?
- Fleur Delacour

5. Who did Harry give his Triwizard winnings to?
- Fred and George Weasley

The next two are anagrams. Rearrange the letters to get the correct words.
6. Live gong cram la man - Minerva McGonagall

7. Owl or video - Oliver Wood

8. What author's name appears on the book "Quidditch Through the Ages"?
- Kennilworthy Whisp

9. What does the Keeper do in a game of Quidditch?
-Guards the goal

10. In the Goblet of Fire why did the Mad Eye Moody imposter put Harry's name in the goblet?
- He wanted Harry to win the tournament

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