Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2006

knitting 2006 - a summary

inspired by elizabeth and stricky:

1. What is your absolute favorite project you've knit (one that fulfilled both process and product)?
the droplet hat - perfect cooperation of yarn, pattern and usability.

2. Which of your handknits do you wear the most often?
at the moment the both scarfes (the blue and the yellow one) and my hats.

3. Which of your handknits are you most proud of?
the yellow scarf - my 1st perfect knitting.

4. What was your favorite gift to knit?

5. Which of your handknits are gathering dust your closet?
the caftan sweater - *sigh*

6. Which of your handknits have you gotten rid of?
not any - but i never really started the clapotis.

7. If you've knit socks, what is your favorite pattern?
the embossed leaves of mona schmidt (iwk winter 2005)

8. What would you like to make in 2007?
more sweaters and cardigans...

9. What have you learned about your craft in 2006?
i learned a lot about my real knitting level; i met a lot of fantastic knitters (virtual and live) and i discovered a part of the wonderful knitting-cosmos.

10. What events/sites have you particularly enjoyed in the blogosphere in 2006?
the one skein exchange and the knit sock kit swap with the best pals ever: astrid, maylin, ramona and lori, the socktoberfest and the knit-n-sip: thanks to lena for co-organization and hello to christine =)

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