Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007


yesterday evening while meeting & knitting for the last time this year the bagette-bag-project was finished.
i got the lovely and all including knit-kit from meike as my knit-n-sip project and started knitting on december 3rd.
the bag was knitted in the round, the bottom edge closed with the three-needle-bind-off. i decided to use black handles instead of the clear ones meike included and unfortunately i damaged the lovely button she choosed *sigh* at the moment my dachshund-brooch is doing the job.
for information and statistic:
yarn: 150 g ggh cumba
pattern: bagette from berocco
needles: 6mm
size: 10 x 12 in (without handles)

i´m really pleased with the result so far. maybe there will be added some lining inside - eventually.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sehr schön geworden!!! Ich hab Dir übrigens noch was Kleines in die Post getan ;-)
    LG Meike


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