Mittwoch, 18. April 2007

hogwarts sock kit swap 01

time for a new swapping! while waiting for HP07 me and lena joined the hogwarts sock kit swap to shorten the time. also you can still join the swap (deadline will be the end of april).
it´s a funny swap-idea with a lot of extra-features. so you can gain extra-points for your house answering a weekly question.
and here i am:

"You know what, Harry? If he doesn't stop trying to save your life he's going to kill you."
Who said this and about whom?

that´s ron saying about dobby - HP02 - chamber of secrets

2 Kommentare:

  1. ich hab´s auch gewusst!
    dir auch ein schönes wochenende, liebe kiki

    die maria

  2. Great job on answering the trivia quedstion and thank you for the english translation :)


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