Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007

best of 2007 - a knitting meme

originally from knit lit

1. your best FO of the year:

2. best FO of the year made by a blog you link to
claudias simple knitted bodice

3. best yarn you tried
ggh cumba

4. best new book/mag/pattern of 2007
berroco: norah gaughan volume 1

5. best (new) knitting technique or gadget you tried in 2007
lace and more lace (not so new)

6. top 5 inspirations--what five things inspired you the most over the past year?

7. designer who most amazed & inspired you throughout the year
norah gaughan

8. knitting resolutions for 2008--what's next for you and your blog?
more finished objects next year and i also had a little problem to handle all my wip so i will try to knit with more focus.

1 Kommentar:

  1. i love this sweet owl (called eulchen) next to me and these terrific spider included robin hood top shirt pullover dingenskirchen too.


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