Sonntag, 18. Februar 2007

new & exciting

little time to knit but a lot of new and inspiring stuff:
  • wonderful birthday-present fibers from sabi & silke waiting to be spun by myself
  • my brandnew weekend knitting (one of my alltime favourite knitting books) and now i got my own copy of it from my meet-to-knit-friends and knitting-companions as birthday present.
  • the lovely stitchmarkers in green and lilac jen sent to me because of the swap-bot-stitch-marker-swap.
  • a fantastic hand-dyed skein of sabis sock-yarn.
  • and today we will meet to spin! so i´m off with all my fibers and my spindle....

2 Kommentare:

  1. I Love Weekend Knitting, It was one of the first knitting books I ever bought. Have fun spinning!

  2. Happy Birthday! When was it? What lovely spinning fibre!


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