Sonntag, 6. März 2011

lola löwenherz

moppellotte, teppichzupferin, eeschenfreundin und immer so mutig.
lola von hoppel ✝ 06. märz 2011.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Gott Kiki, das tut mir so leid !
    Traurige Grüße,

  2. Oh nein!! Ach, Mensch... :-(((

    Traurige Grüße,

  3. There are no words to express my sadness...I discovered yesterday that she crossed the bridge and was in shock. Was she ill? Hugs to you and nose rubs to poor Eeschen...he must be so confused not to see her around, and still smell her everywhere in the house, just like Neville when Miss Eve passed away. Do cherish the good memories of the times you shared...they're proof that Lola was very much loved and had the best life she could have wished for, with Eeschen and you. x

  4. oh, das tut mir leid. so ein verlust ist nicht schön.


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